Author Glenda L. Hunter

Author Glenda L. Hunter

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Be a friend, have a friend.

When I heard my phone ring and saw who was calling I was excited to see it was my dear friend. I had not talked to her for a long while so I quickly answered my phone with a chipper voice. To find the person on the other end was a not the chipper voice I had expected. It was a sad frustrated one as she began to pour out her heart to me I understood why. Her daughter was very ill had been in and out of the hospital. Bottom line she needed surgery. The surgery could not be done right now the wait was a month out. Her daughter was in pain and she just didn't know what to do for her. After she talked for a few minutes she calmed down a little. I tried to comfort her with what little words of wisdom I could think of. But I could not assure her that her daughter would come out of this in great shape. I trust that will be the case but I am not a doctor. The doctor is the only one that can give her that assurance. What I am is a friend that can listen and be for support in whatever way is possibly can. There are times that is all a person needs is someone to listen and care. We don't always need to fix things. People don't always need a fixer upper they just need a friend. They need someone that loves, cares, and is willing to listen without being judgmental. Always pattern to others how you would like them to act to you when you call them in a difficult situation. You never know when you will be the one that gets the curve ball and need a friend that just loves and cares for you. Be a friend, have a friend. Have a great day.

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