Author Glenda L. Hunter

Author Glenda L. Hunter

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Claim your hope

Are there things in your life that keep you tied up and afraid? Does it seem all hope is lost? Do you keep thinking why should you keep hanging around? Do you believe all the negative things people have said about you? Does this sound like you? I also have walking or crawled down that path, the trail of despair. I also have believed all the negative things that have been said about me until I saw no positive things at all. When I gave way to those fears I gave them complete control of my life. When this happened I found myself in a state that was not pleasant. It's effect on me was: I struggled to put one foot in front of the other, fighting to just get out of bed, not feeling like eating, somedays not even eating, not caring if I saw another person, closing the curtains so no one could see me, hiding in my house and really not wanting to even exist any longer. I had absolutely no hope. I learned I did not have to stay in that state. Great news for you, you also don't have to stay in that state either. This is how I got out. First I had to allow someone to help because I could not help myself I was too far in the deep pit. I didn't want to ask for help but I had to bite the bullet and do it anyway. I did not enjoy the miserable state I found myself in. Do you enjoy your state? Second I had to trust them to help me. I had learned at an early age not to trust people. The move to except help was a giant one. Then I had to believe that I could regain the hope that I had lost, or get hope that I felt I never had. It was not an easy adventure. But I desired to be set free from my hopelessness that was my constant companion. I wanted to never see that long time chum again. I was shocked and surprised to see how many people were really willing to help me change the state I was in. You might have already tried and given up feeling like what's the use. I also understand that I had too. But I am here to tell you keep trying there is freedom from the chains that are so tightly wrapped around you. I have been able to break my chains and throw them away.  You might be surprised at how many people are willing to help you to find the hope that you need to reach your freedom. Take a deep breath and reach out and allow that to happen. You are not alone. God has put people out there that are just waiting with the help you need. Do not allow another day to go by without beginning your search for the hope you lost or if you're like me never had. Hope is yours for the seeking. Have a great day searching and finding your hope.

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