"Mom, Mom" Joey screamed as he looked at the broken lamp on the floor.
"What's the problem" his mother said as she came running from the kitchen.
"I broke your lamp" he said with tears in his eyes not taking his eyes from the broken lamp. "I'm really sorry mom" he said as he began to cry.
Mom stooped next to her young son, looked in his tearful eyes and said "Let's see what kind of damage has been done, son." She picked up the lamp which was now in three pieces. "I think it can be fixed" she said laying the lamp aside.
"Joey what were you doing?" she asked as she sat her young son on her lap.
"I was playing with my football. I threw it and it hit the lamp" he said. "It was an accident" he quickly added.
"You know what I've told you about that son" she said in a stern voice. "There is to be no more playing with your football in the house." She wiped his tears and said "the good thing it is fixable. Come on let's see what we can do to get it fixed."
After much looking they finally found the super glue. With steady hands mom put the pieces back in their proper spots. Holding it gently while it dried she talked to her son about the importance of following the rules. Joey promised not to throw the football in the house anymore. After the glue was dried the lamp was placed on the table very carefully. "You can still tell it was broken but we can still use it" she said as she stepped back to admire her handy work.
There are times in our lives we get knocked down and feel broken. It can even get worse you can feel like they throw you away because you are of no value. When that happens it can leave you feeling there is no hope you are doomed to always be a failure, a worthless person. I must say that is not correct information. You are not a worthless person no matter how broken you are, no matter how broken you feel you are or how broken you think you are. The truth is you are fixable, if you have never been told that before I'm glad I am here to give you that great news. I have been very broken (you can read my story in my books An Unspeakable Secret or Out of the Depths a Poetic Journey) with the great help of a counselor, a great family (husband and children) and friends I am put back together. But most of all the wonderful healing power of God has made me like new. That does not mean I'm perfect but I am a person of great value even with my brokenness. You also are a person of great value even with your brokenness. If you haven't already allowed God to heal all that brokenness allowing you to live in the greatness He has for you, call on Him today for the healing. He is there waiting. God is in the business of fixing what seems unfixable. Have a great day.
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