Author Glenda L. Hunter

Author Glenda L. Hunter

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Caught up in who I'm not

Who are we really? We are being told things about our self as soon as we are born. We don't understand right away but the words are spoken. As we grow we repeat those things, because we believe them to be true. We carry them into adulthood sometimes not even considering that they might not be right. The problem with that is some of the things people say about us are not true. I remember being told how stupid I was and would never amount to anything. I believed that for many years. And honestly there are times I still struggle with that feeling. If I'm not careful I can get caught up in who I'm not, not who I am. Are you caught up in who you are not?
When you are told bad things about yourself it can lead to great problems. It can lead you down a road of negative feelings and actions. I want to share a few of those with you: When you are called worthless it makes you feel like you don't matter, so you feel no one cares. When you are told you are stupid it give you the feeling of why try to learn anything else or do anything different. Then you don't venture out into what you can do or even should be don't. You believe you will never succeed. When you are told you are ugly, you don't care about how you appear. It can keep you drawing away from people. When you are told you are fat, it can cause you to form an eating disorder. The message is my appearance is not right it has to be changed. You get what I'm saying. You might think there is no hope for you but there is. It will take hard work but I know you can do it. Some suggestions to help you get started.
Take a good long look at the person you are deep inside. Does it measure up with who you think you are? Is it someone that you want to be? Start the work today. Write down what you want to be like. Then listen to the positive things people say about you and start believing them. If you have to write them down and read it every day, do it. Maybe you should start to write down positive things you do or say to others. That will help you realize who you really are. God created us all with greatness but the problem is we sometimes have not tapped into it or are having a hard time finding out what it really is for us. We will never find it if we keep walking in who we are not. Start today seeking out who you really are and walk in it. Not everyone will understand or support you in your new adventure but you must do it for you.

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