Author Glenda L. Hunter

Author Glenda L. Hunter

Monday, January 31, 2022

What's at your door?

I consider myself a pretty brave person until I went to visit my friend that lives way out in the country.  As it got darker there was a noise outside I certainly thought I could go outside and see what was going on. Then my friend said her husband would go out and check to see what it was. He was busy and I told her I could step out onto the porch and see what was going on, at this point I was not afraid. Then she began to tell me about the wild animals they had in the area and they would even come up on the porch. I quickly felt glued to my chair and did not offer to go out again. Anyone that knows me well knows I have a fear of dogs let alone wild animals. I am sure if I opened the door and a wild animal was sitting there ready to pounce on me I would faint then the beast could just have the house. I know that is what my friend was afraid of. Even at my house where there are no wild animals and I walk outside and see something squatting at my door I want it taken care of. I do not mind asking someone much braver than myself, Steve, to take care of it for me.

So when I was reading in Genesis 4 about Abel and Cain it stirred these feelings inside me. If you have not read the story for a while I would encourage you to do so. I will sum it up very briefly. Abel and Cain were brothers. They had different professions Abel was a keeper of the flock and Cain a tiller of the ground. In the course of time they brought offerings to God, Cain brought fruit of the ground and Abel brought the firstlings of his flock.  My study Bible says that "Evidently they had both been told of the necessity for a blood sacrifice as an expression of true faith." Therefore, God was not pleased with Cain's offering. Cain did not like this and he became angry with his brother. God quizzed Cain about his anger (verses 6-7) Why are you angry? Why has your countenance fallen? If you are doing well your countenance will show it.  "If you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door; and its desire is for you, but you must master it." Cain did not heed God's words. He did take care of the sin that crouched at his door. He allowed the sin of jealousy, and anger to grow. It grew until it was such a festering mess that he killed his brother. Then when God asked him where his brother was and he lied to God and said I don't know. He had to suffer the consequences of his sin, it was not pleasant for him. His life took a drastic change from then on.

I want you think about this question do you have sin crouching at your door? The devil doesn't care if you get it taken care of. He is pleased if it festers and gets ugly. He isn't even concerned if you do something as awful as Cain did. As long as you are not doing what pleases God he is smiling. Do not allow sin to crouch at your door and take control, get rid of it right away. Wipe that smile right off the devils face and put a big smile on the face of God by doing the right thing. It will also change your countenance. You will have a smile. May you have great days defeating the sin that crouches at the door. 

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