Author Glenda L. Hunter

Author Glenda L. Hunter

Saturday, February 26, 2022

What do you have growing in your garden?

In the garden my parents planted we grew many different kinds of vegetables. We, us children, helped in planting and taking care of said garden.  During the summer we would hoe and pull weeds until it was time to harvest the produce. I must say the summer did not drag on once harvest time came along. Everything we grew was important for winter months. When mom opened those canned jars of food, cooked them and placed them on the table, the work of the summer was worth it. I might not have understood that fully while I was a child, but I did understand that we never went hungry. Mom was a good cook and always had plenty for us to eat. But what would have happened if the garden was never tended? The weeds would grow so large they would overtake your plants. Then when harvest time comes, there would be nothing to harvest. Winter would come and there would be nothing to get from the cellar and we would have gone hungry.

Our lives are kind of like a garden. People are always putting information into our live. For example they tell us who they think we are, also what they think we can and cannot do. They also tell us how valuable or not valuable they think we are. We let those things grow in our lives. At some point we might find the need to weed that information. Pull out the things that are not true and throw them away. Nourish those that are true and help them to grow. Allow the sun to shine on them and the water to feed them, so those good things keep springing forth. But there are times that we need help weeding our gardens. Sometimes we don't always see those little weeds that might be choking the real us. People that speak positive true things into our life are like the sun shining and a fresh drink of rain. Those are the ones that can help you weed your garden of life. Allow them to be the voice you hear when those weeds start to grow. Do not even allow those weeds to take root.

God has made you special and He wants to help you grow to be a big and strong you. He will send those that speak the truth about who you really are, to help you along your growing process. Allow God to help you keep a good healthy garden. Have a great day growing.


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