Author Glenda L. Hunter

Author Glenda L. Hunter

Sunday, March 6, 2022

New Beginnings

Spring is right around the corner. When I think about this time of the year, I think about the freshness it brings, flowers, buds on trees, the grass turns greener and it seems like a breath of fresh air. Our lives have new beginnings as well. From the time we are children until the day we die. We might not have thought about it very much but each stage of our lives is a new beginning; we make choices of the path we are going to follow. As I have been pondering these thoughts, a Bible character came to mind and his new beginnings. That is what I want to share with you today.

This story takes place in the book of Acts, chapters 7-9 (you really need to read the full account). We are going to talk about Saul and his three new beginnings. Saul first is mentioned at the scene of Stephen a Christian is getting stoned to death (chapter 7) He was not throwing the stones, but he was in full agreement of what they were doing. (I want to share a little about Saul that you find out later in some of his writings, is that he knew the Law and was very well educated. He did not think that Jesus was the Messiah and what the Christians like Stephen was saying were not true. All of this comes more to light as you study his writings.) On the very day that Stephen was stoned to death, a great persecution started against the church at Jerusalem (8:1). They were going into homes dragging off men and women that were believers and putting them into prison. Saul's first new beginning was dragging Christians off and putting them into prison. He even went to the high priest and got a letter from him to go the synagogues in Damascus, stating that if he found any man or woman in the Way (Christians) then bind them and take them back to Jerusalem and put them in prison. A new beginning, he was on a mission to stamp out the Christians (9: 1- 3).

Second new beginning (9:3-7): While traveling those 135 miles to Damascus a light shone around him, he fell to the ground and the Lord spoke. God called him by name and asked him why are you persecuting me. Saul was trembling and asks God what do you want of me. God told him to go on into the city then you will be told. As Saul got up, his eyes were open but he was blind. The men with him had to lead him the rest of the way into the city. In those few minutes Saul went from being very important to being a blind man that was looked down upon, a very lowly person. He was blind for three days in the house, waiting, he did not eat or drink but was praying (9:11). What an interesting new beginning, one of blindness.

Third new beginning (9: 10-20): God sends Ananias to help Saul start his third new beginning. Ananias was in Damascus and God spoke to him to go to Saul. Ananias was not sure about this because he knew Saul was persecuting the Christians. But God told him to go. Saul is waiting for you. Ananias said okay and he went to the house where Saul was. He laid hands on him and said "Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus, who appeared to you on the road as you came, has sent me that you may receive your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit." (9: 17). Listen to this, immediately something like scales fell from his eyes. He could see, he rose and was baptized. After he ate and got his strength back, he spent days with the disciples at Damascus. He started his great work for the Lord. He took three missionary journeys and wrote thirteen books of the New Testament. What a great new beginning this was, he was even given a new name Paul.

II Corinthians 5:17 says, "For if a man is in Christ he becomes a new person altogether—the past is finished and gone, everything has become FRESH and NEW."  (J. B. Phillips translation)

What kind of new beginning do you want for your life? I want mine to be like Paul's, serving God with all my heart, soul, and might. My job will not be as great as Paul's but it is the one that God has for me and I need to keep on doing it. Don'ts be discouraged if you feel your job is small. It is great in the eyes of God and He is proud of you for doing the job he has given you. Get a fresh start and start your new beginning with the fullness of God guiding and directing your every step. May God bless you in your new beginning.

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