Throwing the things I need to take with me in the back seat and off I head for my meeting. I hate being late but sometimes it just can't be helped. Then as I back out of the drive way, I notice that my car is almost on empty. The question that quickly pops into my mind, can I make it or do I really need to stop and get gas? I am not a strong believer that running on fumes is a good thing. Now the lack of gas is running in my mind as well as the fact that if I stop to refill my tank, I could be late. The closer I get to the gas station, the more my focus is on the gas gauge. I slowly pull in to fill my tank. I am sure I can spare a few minutes to fill my tank. I get right to a pump and start the process. Of course I get the slowest pump in the whole world. It must be dripping one drop at a time, then taking a break. I keep an eye on my watch about the time. I still have time to make it, but it will be awful close. As the gas drips into my car, I tell myself I shouldn't have let my car get so close to empty in the first place. Anyone that drives, know s you cannot drive when your tank is empty.
That is the same way as our lives. We need rest to replenish my body. If you do not sleep, then to be real productive the next day is, a slow start or it just might not happen at all. Rest is necessary for us to fill our body's tank with energy for the activities of the next day. Also food is another thing you need to help your body function in the way it is meant. If you starve your body, there are many things that can happen to your physical body as well as mental state of mind. To help keep your body and mind healthy, rest, eat right, and exercise. Do not allow your body to run on empty. It is not like you can pull up to a gas station and fill it up and be on your way. When you keep running on empty, it catches up with you and it can do permeant damage.
Then there is your spiritual body. You don't want it to run on empty either. To keep your spiritual tank filled, you need to read your Bible every day. You don't have to read a whole book every day, but read some verses. Think about them and see how God can use those verses to speak to your life. Pray every day; this is just talking to God. It is not as hard as we seem to make it sometimes. You do not need fancy words. You just need to be yourself and talk to Him as if He is your good friend. Also, you need to find a church and maybe a small study group to attend. It helps you to gain strength when you fellowship with other people that are believers. You will realize other people have struggles as well. You are not in this battle alone. Sometimes when you face trials, you feel you are in them all by yourself, which is why a strong support group (church group) is important. Don't let your spiritual life run on empty, giving the devil a spot to put his finger into and tear you apart. Keep strong in the Lord. As you reach out to others, not only does it help you, it also helps them.
Do not run on empty. The fumes might give you a headache and cause you to pass out. Keep your life filled with the things that are healthy and of God, to keep your engine perking along. You might be surprised; it might even add a smile to your face. May you have a great day living with a full tank.
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