Author Glenda L. Hunter

Author Glenda L. Hunter

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Have you fallen down?

We have all fallen down in our lives. We have all at some point not measured up. Life is full of ups and downs; it is what you do with them that count. Let's think about a child for a few minutes. When they are learning to walk, what would happen if they fell the first time? They might become afraid to try again. It might be days before that child will take that step again. The parents get down on the floor with them looking into their beautiful eyes; they assure them they can do it. Then it happens, the child again tries pulling on the coffee table and gradually walks along the width of the table. The parents are so excited, they say all the right words and try to encourage them to let loose and take a step toward them. It might not happen right then, but eventually that child gets enough courage to step away from the table and off they go. Everyone is so proud of them and they begin to cheer.

There are a few lessons we can take away from children. First, when you fall down, go ahead and have a cry if you need to while you're sitting there, but do not stay down. Reach for something or someone to help pull you up. As adults when we fall many times, we seem to isolate. The problem is we don't want people to be disappointed in us and beside we can work it out ourselves. My question is, how does that really work for you? I know for myself it doesn't work real well. Stop worrying what someone is going to say and just reach out. I must say that God will lead you to the right person to reach out to. Allow them to help pull you up; even if you have to keep ahold of them for a while until you get your legs steady enough to stand again. Second, let go of them and take a step. You know they will be there for encouragement and support whenever you need it. Third, dust yourself off and keep on walking. You do not need to carry that old garbage with you on your now new journey.

Walking life's journey is not always easy, but you can do it. You need the right guide to help you with those decisions that you will need to make. The best guide that I know of is God. When we fall short of what He expects of us He doesn't throw us away. He helps us brush ourselves off to keep going. If you don't brush yourself off it makes your walk more of a stumble, because you are carrying a load that is not necessary. God takes that load by His forgiveness and love. Are you ready for a lighter load? It can be yours for the asking. Have a great day enjoying a walk instead of wallowing in the dust and mud. 

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