Author Glenda L. Hunter

Author Glenda L. Hunter

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Just begin talking

Have you been struggling with how to talk to God? Can't find the right words or position? Stop struggling and just begin talking. He hears us no matter what we say or in what position we are in to say it. People are the ones that get all tied up in things like that. I have found that God hears us when we stammer around not even knowing what words to say. There are times words can't even be found to express what is deep inside, He understands that also. That seems to be when it is the easiest to just give up and just walk away feeling defeated. Don't let that stop you from reaching out. People sometimes don't understand us when we are like that but God does. He did wire us the way we are, unique and special I mean. I think He would like for us to talk to Him like He is our best friend. It is not easy because that doesn't fit into how we have always thought. I do believe it is worth giving a try. Don't throw away the idea without giving it a try and I don't just mean one day try. There are many things we don't like after just one time of trying but how surprised we have been after many tries of eating different foods, playing games or whatever it is that you have learned to enjoy because you kept trying. I challenge you as I do myself to start today and practice talking to God like a dear friend. Remember it might take a few times or even a lot of times but I believe we will all find it worth the effort. Have a great time talking to your new friend.

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