Author Glenda L. Hunter

Author Glenda L. Hunter

Thursday, October 30, 2014


Where will you spend Halloween?
Will you put on a disguise like
a witch, a skeleton, or a ghost?
Go to a haunted house
to see the frights?
Or carry a trick or treat bag?

Not for us survivors!
We have seen our share of
witches, skeletons, and ghost.
Right here in this support group we have unmasked
some people in our past that fit those
outfits you wear.

Disguises are not uncommon for us.
We have spent most of our lives
putting on whatever mask we were told to
We did this so often and so good
no one really knew who we were.

We come here
And work at taking off the mask
that we have so faithfully worn.
Finally exploring just who we are
without any cover-up.

Why would we go to a haunted house?
We lived in a house that held
enough fear for all our days.
Opening any closed door in itself
could hold an experience one would wish to forget.

Carry a trick or treat bag?
We have had many tricks played on us
to many to fit into a small bag.
We would be glad to have a bag of treats.

What a strange holiday to celebrate.
There are others out there like us
afraid to be left in the dark.
Or walking very softly not to be noisy
for fear of the response it might bring.

Everyone deserves a safe place.
A place to laugh and cry
telling their fears without worry.
May we help others
find what we have found.

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