Author Glenda L. Hunter

Author Glenda L. Hunter

Monday, February 21, 2022

Do you have a giant in your life?

When you were between fourteen and sixteen what were you up to? If you are not that old yet, just think about what you might be up to. Starting high school, getting ready to start your first job, looking for the perfect girlfriend/boyfriend, thinking about college or just enjoying having a great time with your friends, that is what most kids at that age are up to.

Today the young boy we will be talking about is about that age. His name is David and he was shepherd. He took care of his father's sheep while his brothers went off to war. One day Jesse, David's father, asks him to take supplies to his brothers and check on them. He found a keeper for his sheep and started his journey. When he arrived, he took the supplies to the supply keeper and went to see his brothers. Little did he know the trouble that was brewing there in the Valley of Elah. He knew they were at war but did not know the big dilemma they faced. The dilemma was a big one and I'm not kidding. The Israelites were fighting the Philistines, and every morning a giant came out to taunt them. This giant, named Goliath, was a little over nine feet tall, his armor weighted about one hundred and fifty pounds, and the head of his spear was twenty pounds. No wonder they were all afraid. His armor was probably heavier than little David. He would say if anyone can fight and kill me, we will serve you, but if I kill him, you will serve us. The Israelites were not that big and I can picture them shaking in their sandals. Can you just picture that giant going back to his camp after scaring the Israelites and laughing as he ate his supper, while the poor Israelites were too afraid to even eat, worrying all evening what they are going to do. Now this young boy David comes along and wants to know why they are so afraid. They serve God. God will help them defeat Goliath. After King Saul heard what David had said, he sent for him. David told the king he would go fight this giant. King Saul said you are just a youth and this man that has fought since his youth. Then David proceeded to tell King Saul what he had been doing already in his life. He said "while I was keeping my father's sheep and when a lion or bear came and took a lamb out of the flock, I went after it, struck it, took the lamb from his mouth, when it rose against me I struck it and killed it, I have killed both a lion and a bear. The Philistine will be one of them, because he has defied the armies of the living God. "He went on to say, "The Lord, who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear. He will deliver me from the hands of this Philistine." (I Samuel 17:37) What kind of resume' is that? I can promise I didn't have that great of one when I was his age. The king gave him permission to go ahead and fight this giant. He even told him he could wear his armor. David could not even walk in the armor.  He gathered his own supplies put his staff in hand, gathered five smooth stones from the brook, put them in his shepherd's bag and a sling shot in hand. He was ready. Goliath came and saw David and was greatly insulted. He said "what do you think I am a dog, you are just a youth." Listen to the words of David," I come to you in the name of the Lord of host, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This day the Lord will deliver you into my hands, and I will strike you and take your head from you." The fight is on. Goliath is furious by now. Little David never backed down.  He took a smooth stone, put it in his sling shot, off it went, hit Goliath in the forehead and down he fell. Dead just like David said, then he cut off his head. (You just must read the whole story. You can find it in I Samuel 17.)

What giant do you have in your life? What are you so afraid of, like the Israelites? Is it an addiction, drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex, or is it a giant of fear, a feeling of worthlessness. Be like brave little David, stand up and take note that God will give you the strength to defeat the enemy. Say with David, the Lord will deliver me, then call on His name and allow that to happen. Start keeping a journal with all the great victories that God is doing in your life. Share these with others and help them also to know that God is a God that will deliver. God will help you take down every giant and give you great victory. May you have a great day slaying your giants. 

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