Author Glenda L. Hunter

Author Glenda L. Hunter

Sunday, February 6, 2022

You are like a lightbulb.

I heard the statement, you are like a lightbulb, probably in a sermon at our church. I never wrote down anything else but those five words. I guess at the time that was all that I found important. I don't know about you but when something like that hits me, I try to hurry, find a pen and write it down. Those words are what I like to call nuggets, because they are chunks of information that says a lot with few words. You might be sitting there scratching your head thinking I have lost my mind and you are not like a lightbulb. Stay with me for just a few minutes and let's see how you feel when I am done.

First of all, let's consider the lightbulb. It puts out a bright light that can fill the whole room. It only works when you flip the switch which causes the electrical current through a thin wire called a filament. Eventually the filament gets so hot that it glows, producing light. The whole key is you have to have the bulb in the socket when you flip the switch. If the bulb is lying on the table and you start flipping the switch it will not work because there is nothing on the table to make the electrical connection. Try it out for yourself. Put your lightbulb on the table in a dark room , flip the switch and see how bright it gets. You will not be surprised because you know it will not work. The lightbulb has to be connected to the source of the electricity that causes the filament to get hot to cause the glow.  

Second, we will consider ourselves. There are days we might mope around; you can say it is just a bad day, we just have no get up and go. Darkness seems to follow you everywhere you go. Then other days you are chipper and smiling, your whole day is brighter. Deep inside you have a happiness that flows to the outside, you have a glow about yourself. When you walk into a room you seem to bring brightness to that room. You light it up.  People enjoy the positive vibes that flow forward. You have connected to your inner electricity. Sounds like a lightbulb to me putting off a glow. No, we do not have to be put in a socket to get that juice flowing through our veins. We can do things for ourselves ,like stay positive, hang out with positive people, and keep healthy (yes keeping healthy will also help your outlook on life). But I really believe that putting God first in your life is like the electricity that flows to the lightbulb. We plug into Him every day by reading the Bible and praying, He will help us shine the rest of the day. People will notice a glow about you that you did not have before. You will light up a room with your smile. People might not say anything about it but they notice. Just leave your Bible on the table and never pray and see if people notice the difference. They will, and you will feel the light go out in our life. In Matthew 5: 16, Jesus says, "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven."

We have a different connection than the lightbulb to make us shine but none the less, we need to be shining. Now do you think you are like a lightbulb? I hope you let God be your power to shine. May you have a great day, shining.

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