Author Glenda L. Hunter

Author Glenda L. Hunter

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Let Go Of Life's Hurts

When someone hurts me it is sometimes hard to let it go. No one wants to be hurt but it happens to everyone. There are times I hold onto it like it's a good friend. I also know that is not what I should be doing because it keeps eating away at me. I am the only one suffering from such action, the other person has moved on with their life. I need to just let it go. Wow how easy does that sound? I don't always find it that easy. The best thing is to talk to the person and get things settled. When that is not possible, the next best thing for me is to write (go figure). Writing puts things out there where I can see and evaluate them. It might not even be as bad as I thought. The key is to get it released and move on. When I release the hurt I feel lighter inside. I am less grumpy. I even smile easier. What a relief it is to throw the hurt aside and get all with life. How do you deal with hurt? You need to find a release that works for you, then do it. Don't allow the chains of hurt to keep you weighed down, brake them and throw them away. Get your smile back.

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